Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Home becomes sweet if there is a presence of the family and family becomes sweeter if there is a presence of our parents. They build home which built by unlimited love and care.

"Without our parents, we are not here" the famous line that never gets old as their love that never fades. They are responsible for their children's necessities. There are times that they give up their own necessities just to provide their children's. Their unconditional love  is enough reason for them to make great sacrifices for the care of their children. Parents serve as role models not only through direct interactions with their children, but through the examples they set with their attitude and behavior within the family and in the outside world. By addressing their concerns, sharing their lives, and maintaining a constructive perspective, parents can contribute to their children's personal growth and development .

As the fourth commandment states, "Honor thy father and mother" which intend to express that we have to show our merited respect and value our parents. As we grow each day let us not forget that our parents get older too. They are gift from God however, not everyone is lucky enough to be with them.

LAST DAY Having this certificate means our immersion is done. We are very happy and thankful. We learned a lot of new things in ou...